Red Cross Pharmacy, the pharmacy that cares, provides full
prescription services incorporating Cross-ChekTM
and Express Refill.
Full Prescription Services:
on how to take prescription medication
on over-the-counter (OTC) medications
Free Delivery
of prescriptions within delivery area
Free Screening Tests
As a Medicare Approved Pharmacy, we can assist patients with their
prescription drug benefits.
Cross-Chek TM
At Red Cross Pharmacy , we use Cross-Chek TM,
a complete and confidential database on each patient's medication history to monitor
drug interactions, reactions, and refills.
Diabetes Shoppe
The Diabetes Shoppe® stands in a class by itself for providing excellence and variety
in the programs it offers to diabetes patients... there's nothing like it!
Red Cross Pharmacy offers "One Touch" Ultra ® Blood Glucose Monitoring System
plus a complete line of diabetic supplies.
Try Express Refill - a fast, convenient, and efficient
prescription service to accommodate busy schedules.Don't Wait, Call Ahead
Express Refill
Call and Order Your Refills
24 Hours a Day!